Tuesday, 4 February 2014

What is problem based learning?

Problem Based Learning

KADS Global Education


KADS Global EDU is a consulting firm that originated through the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The videos are first-hand accounts of Problem Based Learning in action in three schools across the United States. The videos summarize PBL projects, and in these videos, the dialogue between teachers, the dialogue between students, and teacher and student reflections are highlighted

Problem Based Learning in Social Studies and English


This slideshare provides examples and shows the PBL process.

Examining the PBL  model 

I have attached a  file that shares some of the benefits of Problem Based Learning. We have used the Frayer Model to explain the process. Click here to access the file.

What do teachers say about PBL?

Click here to read a few views from classroom teachers about their experience.

Ministry of Education Inquiry Monograph
This monograph provides useful ideas towards inquiry which is a key element of PBL. Click here to access the document.

Inquiry-Based Learning

The Capacity Building Series is produced by the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat to support leadership and instructional effectiveness in Ontario schools.

Teachers play the role of “provocateur,”  finding creative ways to introduce students to ideas and to subject matter that is of interest to them and offers “inquiry potential” or promise in terms of opportunities for students to engage in sustained inquiry of their own

Click here to access the document.

Growth Opportunities

Use the attached resource to see how you can use Twitter to learn what teachers are doing with inquiry and PBL. Visit #ontsshg

To explore possibilities, use a site like tagboard.com to search Twitter hashtags related to subjects of interest.

Today we started #tdsbpbl and you may also access #ontsshg to participate in discussions related to SSHG.

We used Tweetdeck on laptops and Hootsuite on ipads.


This site is designed for teachers who want to include problem-based learning in their classrooms.  You will find a number of resources including sample lessons, videos, templates for planning and instruction, research and articles, and links to additional information.

Problem Based Learning in Social Studies and English


This slideshare provides examples and shows the PBL process.

I have attached a  file that shares some of the benefits of Problem Based Learning. We have used the Frayer Model to explain the process. Click here to access the file.

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