Getting Started with Inquiry

1) Minds On for Inquiry
Take a look at this video about inquiry and citizenship from Australia.
Take a look at this video about inquiry and citizenship from Australia.
Reflection Questions
- What aspects about inquiry do you welcome?
- What aspects are more challenging?
- What are the next steps in your classroom to enable your students to be successful?
2) Read the following article about the inquiry process. Messages
- Teachers and students can land on any part of the inquiry process at any time
- Inquiries do not need to go through the whole inquiry process
- Aspects of inquiry can be done in 40 minutes
- Teachers need to be deliberate about the inquiry focus in the class
- Success criteria needs to be developed so teachers and students know what the target is
The inquiry needs to apply some sort of disciplinary understanding (ie. historical, geographical, scientific) so students can articulate what they have learned in these terms.
Jeffrey Whilhelm , Engaging Readers and Writers with Inquiry, 2007
- What aspects of inquiry resonate with you?
- What challenges do you see?
Consider the following articles from the Ontario Ministry of Education
Capacity Building Series-Inquiry Based Learning
Getting Started with Inquiry
- What aspects of inquiry resonate with you?
- What challenges do you see?
3) What are the benefits related to the inquiry process?
4) What could the inquiry process (historical focus) look like ?
In this video the presenter explains how the process of inquiry begins with a question, rather than the teacher presenting the key ideas. Then students investigate the content looking at a variety of resources.
5) How do you organize student thinking during an inquiry?
RAN Inquiry GuideSee how one teacher has adapted the model
- Can your students benefits from organizers?
- How can the RAN organizer support teaching and learning?
6) What do your colleagues say about inquiry-based teaching?
- What is inquiry? (audio)
- How do inquiry based learning teachers teach?
- 10 Practical Ideas For Better Project-Based Learning In Your Classroom
7) Preparing your class for inquiry
Preparing your class for inquiry (audio)
Hints for teachers who want to get started with inquiry (audio)
Reflection Questions:
- What aspects of inquiry are currently a key part of your teaching practice?
- What aspects of inquiry teaching can you begin to work on now?
- What support do you require to move forward? Who are the allies in your school community?
8) Visit the OESSTA website and explore the project related to inquiry
Listen as Pete explains his views on inquiry.
Visit the webpage with other video.
The OESSTA site has varied resources relating to inquiry, combined grades, spatial skills, integrating language, math and the arts and much more.
Learn about an inquiry that developed in a primary class
Reflection: Consider your classroom, what opportunities can you offer to allow inquiry to happen?
9) Inquiry is knowledge building.
See how this class of young students uses the knowledge building process which is a key element of inquiry.
In KB/KC classrooms, students work to identify problems of understanding, create theories, carry out research and investigations in order to refine their theories over time, revise their problems and strategies, and share and monitor the progress of the community towards its goals of advancing knowledge.
Reflection: What skills are being developed?
10) What is Inquiry Based Learning? this explanation about the process in a science classroom.
Use inquiry circles to get started with inquiry
Intermediate Inquiry Circles from adp center on Vimeo.
See how this teacher models the process for developing wonder and questions that can lead to inquiry.
This resource for this video Inquiry Circle by Harvey Daniels, Stephanie Harvey has been recommended by teachers engaged in inquiry.
11) A Reflection on Inquiry in Primary and Junior Classrooms
Teachers are reflecting on the key aspects of the revised SSHG curriculum and they are examining their practice and considering next steps. See how one teacher is approaching inquiry.
What resonates with you? What questions do you still have/
Voices of other teachers
Inquiry Process
Teacher Voice relating to Inquiry - Our perceptions are important!I used to think…
Problem-based learning meant not teaching content and allowing students to research content on their own. I never fully understood how we would be able to teach what they need to know in this way.
Now I think…
Problem based learning is very important and does not mean that we don't teach content. The content is embedded within the inquiry.
As teachers engage in inquiry with their classes, their views about inquiry change. Some of our misconceptions are challenged and we can see how inquiry based learning links with student achievement.
12) Exploring Big Questions (getting started)
Listen to a principal explain how his school changed their focus to address inquiry based learning.
- What changes can be done in your school?
- What supports do you still need?
Teachers Point of view on Inquiry Based Learning
How does inquiry based learning impact teacher perspectives?
How does inquiry based learning impact teacher perspectives?
13) Inquiry Based Learning (A school wide focus)
See how inquiry could be used across a school that is just beginning to embrace inquiry.
Effective inquiry is more than just asking questions. Inquiry-based learning is a complex process where students formulate questions, investigate to find answers, build new understandings, meanings and knowledge, and then communicate their learnings to others.
Reflection Questions
- How can your school move forward with an inquiry?
- Are there themes that are relevant to your students and staff?
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